Organic Lecture:Prof. Jean-Philip Lumb

Tital:From Chaos to Chemicals:Biomimetic Strategies for Controlling the Dearomatization of Phenols

Speaker: Prof.Jean-Philip Lumb,McGill University, Canada.

Date: Dec.  1, 2014  10:30AM

Place: Room 1002 of Chemistry building , Chang’an Campus


The aerobic dearomatization of phenols is aubiquitous chemical process in nature,with far reaching applications in the biosynthesis of secondary metabolites and bio-materials.Unlike the metallo-enzymes which control these biosynthetic processes,small-molecule catalysts struggle to oxidize phenols selectively under aerobic conditions.This talk will detail recent efforts from our group to address these challenges,and will include work from our programs in bio-inorganic catalysis and natural products total synthesis.

Prof.Jean-Philip Lumb obtained his B.A.from Cornell University in 2002,graduating Magna Cum Laude with degrees in Chemistry and French Literature.In 2003,he moved to the University of California,Berkeley,where he was an ACS Organic Division Fellow in the lab of Professor Dirk Trauner.From 2008 to 2011 he was aRuth L.Kirschstein Postdoctoral Fellow at Stanford University,working under the supervision of Prof.Barry M.Trost.In 2011,Lumb began his independent career at McGill University in Montreal,Quebec,focusing on chemical synthesis.He holds grants from the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada(NSERC),the Fonds de Recherche du Québec(FQRNT)and McGill University.His is the recipient of the 2014 Thieme Journal Award for young investigators,as well as aNouveaux Chercheurs Research Grant from the FQRNT.His group blends synthetic organic and bioninorganic chemistry to develop catalytic aerobic transformations that are patterned on biosynthesis.Applications of his technology include the low-energy synthesis of biologically active small molecules and modern magnetic materials.


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Wang, Yaoyu

Prof. Wang’s group has five teachers and fifteen graduate students. The research interests of the group mainly focus on the functional coordination chemistry and materials chemistry. The group has started to explore a totally new field about molecular braid, synthesized the first case of novel [4]-crossing catenane coordination polymer, and found the catalyst of decarboxylation in the in situ reaction.
