Materials Chemistry Lecture: Dr. Sergei Danilchenko

Tital: XRD peak profile analysis for crystallite size and lattice microstrain estimation

Speaker: Dr. Sergei Danilchenko, Department of Biophysics, Institute for applied physics (IAP) NAS of Ukraine

Date:  Nov. 24, 2014  14:00 PM

Place: Room 713 of Chemistry building , Chang’an Campus


      Sergei Danilchenko, Senior scientist, PhD, Acting head of department of Biophysics, Institute for applied physics (IAP) NAS of Ukraine.


  1. 1976-1982,KharkovStatePolytechnicUniversity(Soviet Union), department of Physical-Technical, speciality: “Physics of metals”

  2. 1985-1989, Post-graduate course inKharkovStatePolytechnicUniversity, speciality: “Physics of metals”

  Research Interests:

  Structure, microstructure and crystal imperfections of bone mineral

  Morphology and ultrastructural organization of bone apatite and pathological biomineral’s crystals

Functional role of structural imperfections in biological apatite

Biomaterials with bone-like structure (e.g. chitosan-apatite composites)

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Wang, Yaoyu

Prof. Wang’s group has five teachers and fifteen graduate students. The research interests of the group mainly focus on the functional coordination chemistry and materials chemistry. The group has started to explore a totally new field about molecular braid, synthesized the first case of novel [4]-crossing catenane coordination polymer, and found the catalyst of decarboxylation in the in situ reaction.
