Organic Chemistry Lecture: Prof. Youjun Yang

Tital: The thinking of using covalent assembly design high sensitivity fluorescence molecular probe

Speaker: Prof. Youjun Yang, East China University of Science and Technology, China.

Date:  Oct.  31, 2014  10:00-11:00AM

Place: Room 201 of Chemistry building , Chang’an Campus


       Small-molecule fluorescent probes are importantly tools for pertinent analytical and biological studies.They are routinely designed via various strategies including dye-linker-receptor,push-pull modification,conjugation disruption,rigidification.Recently,we have showcased afew probes via an alternative design principle,which we have termed“covalent assembly”.The hallmark of this strategy is that the conjugative backbone of apush-pull dye is chopped into two fragments,which are re-assembled to restore the dye in the presence of analyte of interest.Few other precedents exist in the literature for Au3+.2 Fascinated by the high detection sensitivity of probes of this type,as aresult of their“turn-on”signal from azero background,we have dedicated ourselves to this novel design strategy in the past four years and have exemplified that this lone-wolf-ish probe design strategy has in fact apretty broad scope of substrate,i.e.N2O3 from NO autoxidation,3 OONO-,4 nerve agent mimics,5 NO2-,6 Hg2+/MeHg+,7,8 radicals and more.

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Wang, Yaoyu

Prof. Wang’s group has five teachers and fifteen graduate students. The research interests of the group mainly focus on the functional coordination chemistry and materials chemistry. The group has started to explore a totally new field about molecular braid, synthesized the first case of novel [4]-crossing catenane coordination polymer, and found the catalyst of decarboxylation in the in situ reaction.
