Zhou, Ling

Ling Zhou
College of Chemistry & Materials Science, Northwest University, 229 North Taibai Road, Xi'an, Shaanxi Province, China 710069
Tel: (86)29-88303915
E-mail: zhoul@nwu.edu.cn; chmzhoul@gmail.com

 Professional Background
 B.S.: Lanzhou University, 1998.9-2002.7
 Ph. D.: Lanzhou University, 2002.9-2007.6
 R&D. group leader, Basilea Pharmaceutica China Ltd. 2007.6-2009.6
 Postdoc., National University of Singapore, 2009.6-2012.12

“Qingnian Bairen Jihua” Scholar of Shaanxi Province, 2011-present

 Current Research Interests

 Organic synthetic methodology, asymmetric catalysis, natural product synthesis
 Medicinal chemistry


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Wang, Yaoyu

Prof. Wang’s group has five teachers and fifteen graduate students. The research interests of the group mainly focus on the functional coordination chemistry and materials chemistry. The group has started to explore a totally new field about molecular braid, synthesized the first case of novel [4]-crossing catenane coordination polymer, and found the catalyst of decarboxylation in the in situ reaction.
